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Dutch King Stresses Equality, Unity and Understanding in Holiday Address

Dutch King Willem-Alexander Calls for Unity in Christmas Speech

In his 12th televised Christmas address, Dutch King Willem-Alexander delivered a heartfelt plea for unity and understanding amid growing societal tensions. Speaking from the white dining room at Huis ten Bosch Palace, the king emphasized the need to heal divisions and strengthen the values of equality and compassion in the Netherlands.

“Many people feel misunderstood, unwanted, and without protection,” the king said, acknowledging the sense of alienation experienced by segments of society.

While recognizing the enormity of global challenges and conflicts, King Willem-Alexander stressed the importance of addressing divisions at home. “It is beyond our powers to solve the great global problems and the bitter conflicts elsewhere, but that does not make us powerless. What we can do is ensure that we do not import bitterness and hatred into our streets. We must be resilient against everything that divides us.”

A Message of Inclusion

The king made a direct appeal to Dutch Jews and Muslims, offering words of reassurance and solidarity.

“To Dutch Jews who tell me they are uncertain about their future here, I say: stay! We belong together,” he affirmed. “To Dutch Muslims, I say: this is also your country; this is also your land.”

He underscored the importance of freedom of belief and expression in the Netherlands, calling it a shared foundation for all. “In this country, everyone is free to find comfort and inspiration in their own religious beliefs or philosophy of life. Everyone is free to express themselves. Christians, Jews, Muslims, humanists, atheists, or however you view life. Every person is of equal worth.”

Finding Common Humanity

The king urged citizens to recognize the shared humanity that transcends differences in belief and opinion.

“We only need to realize that others, just like us, are human beings with flesh and blood, with recognizable emotions,” he said. “Once we see each other’s pain and each other’s desires, there is space for understanding… Let us, despite all our differences of opinion, also seek the humanity that brings us together.”

A Continued Focus on Polarization

This year’s speech builds on themes of polarization addressed in previous Christmas messages, reflecting the king’s ongoing concern about societal divisions. His call for resilience against division and a commitment to inclusion aligns with the values of equality and mutual respect enshrined in Dutch law, where discrimination is prohibited and violence is never justified.

As the nation continues to navigate challenges at home and abroad, King Willem-Alexander’s message serves as a reminder of the power of unity and understanding in building a cohesive society.

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